Here you can find the most common questions and answers. If you cant find your question please email us your question using this Contact Form.
If you live at a food school then you eat where you live otherwise you eat at a nearby school.
The last day to register 10 May
Aroscupen offers travel between venues with Aroscupen bus lines for teams woithout own transportation. These buses are running between schools and venues. The cost is 20 Euro per participant. This fee also include free travel on city bus lines during the cup.
The person that registered your team has login-details for MyTeam which is the cup administration system where you can june 5 th delete the number of participants in your team.
Which school your team is accommodated at is depending on the match schedule. We try to accommodate teams as close to their venues as possible. Which school is published at the same time as the match schedule. You will find accommodation under "more information/accommodation" 10 days before the start.
The match schedule is published earliest 10 days before the start on our webbsite. Delays may occur to late team cancellations. All team leaders will receive a mail from Aroscupen when match schedule is published on the internet.
General age exemption is allowed for two 1-year-old players on the field at the same time, but as many as possible in the squad in all classes.
The fee varies depending on if your team order accommodation in Aroscupen schools or/and meals in Aroscupen restaurants or/and travel between accommodation/venues with Aroscupen bus lines. You will find details about participant fee here.
The fee varies depending on which age class you want to registrate your team for. Important to know that registration is not valid until payment by the due date stated . You will find details about team registration fee here.